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Radiopaque material for 3D printing: LATI3Dlab redefines additive manufacturing

Discover LATI3Dlab’s innovation in the field of industrial 3D printing with radiopaque filaments, ideal for medical applications. The partnership with Nanovia has led to the success of LATIGRAY materials, guaranteeing optimal X-ray contrast.

LATI, a leader in thermoplastic compounds, has positioned itself at the forefront of 3D printing filament production with the introduction of radiopaque filaments. In response to the growing demand for functional materials for industrial additive manufacturing, LATI collaborated with Nanovia to successfully develop LATIGRAY filaments, ideal for medical applications requiring X-ray opacity.

LATIGRAY materials, derived from modified PLA or PC, loaded up to 70% by weight with high-density ceramics, offer variable X-ray opacity control to achieve the desired contrast. Despite the complexity of the formulation, the filaments are easily manageable, flexible and suitable for extrusion through 3D printers. The rheology of the melt allows for fast and precise deposition, resulting in compact printed articles with adherent layers and a high quality surface.

This innovation is the result of collaboration between LATI and various partners in the 3D printing industry and required a review of traditional technology choices. LATI’s range of additive manufacturing materials also includes filaments that are electrically conductive, self-lubricating, self-extinguishing and metal detectable.

Discover the infinite possibilities of 3D printing with LATI3Dlab! Contact us today to bring your innovative visions to life.

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